EARA Network Meetings
Whiteley Primary School 17.10.24
The focus for this network meeting was gender stereotypes. The children read a range of scenarios that did not promote gender equality and then had to discuss how they could promote equality and equity.
Then we explored different occupations and the children had to list the qualities and skills they felt someone might need to be successful in that job. The children identified that someone's gender is not an important factor when talking about job aspirations.
This network meeting has helped to give Leesland EARAs some ideas for their next whole school assembly.
Hosting a Network Meeting at Leesland 06.03.24
The children were learning about 'The Children's Act' and 'The Convention on the Rights of the Child'. We explored the civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of a child that are protected by law. Then, we had an opportunity to travel to a new planet and establish our own protective rights, however we had to select the 8 rules we thought most important. There was lots of discussion between the children as they moved around the room to look at the other EARA group's ideas.
All the children that attended worked brilliantly together!