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C of E Federation

Love, Grace, Respect

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Our Classes

Welcome back Year 1!

Our topic for this half term is: Toy Story


We will be thinking about how our toys, and toys that our parents and grandparents played with, are the same and different. We will then use our Science learning to help us understand what the different toys are made from. We will be reading stories about toys and designing and making a stocking that Santa (or maybe your teacher...) could stuff with goodies! We are going to learn all about the Nativity story and start to learn about money too.  It's going to be a fun-packed half term!




Penguin Dance

Uploaded by Leesland C of E Federation on 2025-01-07.

Seahorses Trip to SEARCH Museum. We all had a great time exploring the different toys and how they have changed. A great day was had by all.

Sea Turtles had a fantastic time at the Search museum, looking at how toys have changed over time. A massive thank you to our adult helpers!

Story telling and potion making in Sea Turtles! DO NOT DRINK THE POTIONS - WHO KNOWS WHAT COULD HAPPEN!!!

The children had a brilliant time building their own stories. They made their own magical potions, they discovered clues to traditional nursery rhymes and made up their own story. We will use our learning from today to tell an exciting and imaginative story. 

Seahorses Learning in Action - Fantastic Phonics!

Sea Turtles wrote their first sentence of Year 1 this morning! Miss Gower was really impressed with their capital letters, full stops and spaces!

Sea Turtles have had fun this morning using puppets and masks to act out the story of The Three Little Pigs!