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Leesland C of E (Controlled) Federation home page


C of E Federation

Love, Grace, Respect

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!



Hello and welcome to Year 6.


This year, we are looking forward to our exciting residential trip to Runways End in November. We have some interesting history topics, including the British Empire and the Ancient Maya, and in Science, we will be learning about Electricity, Light, Evolution & Inheritance.  In DT, we will be making working fairground rides using cogs and pulleys and designing and building shelters. Children will also continue to learn French, along with continuing to develop skills in all subject areas.


In Year 6, weekly spelling homework is set every other Thursday and consists of spellings, home reading and revision tasks to prepare the children for the SAT tests in May.  The children will shortly be using SATs revision workbooks to complete their homework and parents will be given more details about the tests in due course. Times tables are still a major focus of children's learning and the school subscribes to Times Table Rockstars which is available on most devices as a website or an app.  Children are encouraged to play at least 5 minutes of times table games at least 3 times a week at home, as well as working on times tables in class, and there are always various competitions and incentives throughout the year.


In Year 6, children are encouraged to choose their own reading books to take home.  We have a range of books in the class and the school library, and all children have their own log in for Reading Eggs.


If you have any questions, feel free to speak to your child's class teacher at the end of the school day, or send a message on the Year 6 email -


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Meet our classes




         (Mrs Newton and Mrs Fry)    Neptune (Mrs Williams)     Triton (Miss Stuart)   


Spring 1 Learning:


We have been creating our own replica Maya masks, exploring the differences between them and what they represented in History, while in Art, we used this knowledge to design and recreate. We developed the skills of wedging and slip and scoring to create our masterpieces.

During our History topic 'The Maya Civilisation' we researched the archeological site of Chichen Itza. We looked up key facts and recreated our own.

As part of our learning in Science, we explored beak adaptations in the bird population and looked at the way in which variation in beak shape is related to the available food sources within an environment. We simulated bird feeding by using a ‘beak’ to collect various pieces of 'food' and place it into a stomach.

Try a website to practise your skills

Year 6 spelling list 

Year 6 recommended books to read

6 Times Table Song (Cover of Shake It Off by Taylor Swift!)

Learn your 6 times table with a song.

7 Times Table Song (Cover of Happy by Pharrell Williams) Easy Learn Skip Count

Learn your 7 times table with a song.

8 Times Table Song (Cover of Rolling In The Deep by Adele)

Learn your 8 times table with a song.