Year 4
Our Classes

Hello and welcome to Year 4.
This year, we have some interesting topics about The Vikings, Brazil and rivers. In science, we will be learning about Solids, liquids and gases, states of matter, electricity, living things and how our bodies digest food. Children will also be continuing to learn French, along with continuing to develop skills in all subject areas.
Our PE days is Thursday and our Library day is Tuesdays
In Year 4, weekly spelling homework is set on Friday for the following week. The children should ideally practice their list over the week in order to retain the spelling knowledge as effectively as possible. Spellings are tested the following Friday.
At this stage, times tables become a major focus of children's learning. The school subscribes to Times Table Rockstars which is available on most devices as a website or an app. Children are encouraged to play at least 5 minutes of times table games at least 3 times a week at home, as well as working on times tables in class, and there are always various competitions and incentives throughout the year.
In Year 4, children are encouraged to choose their own reading books to take home. We have a range of books in the class and the school library, including ones from reading schemes for those who would still benefit from them, these books are colour banded to allow children to choose effectively. We would encourage children to read with an adult daily or as often as possible at home.
If you have any questions, feel free to catch us at the end of the school day, or send a message via email to
20.1.25 A selection of Year 4 children were invited to Brune Park to take place in a judo taster session. The children had an amazing time and threw themselves into each activity.
16.01.25 Year 3 and 4 were invited to a special assembly delivered by the EARA team. They talked about the pre-conceived ideas of certain roles being gender specific. They then explained that everyone has the right to follow their dreams and set themselves challenges to become whatever they desire.

15.1.25 As part of PPA the children looked at the sequence of producing a book, from idea, to author, to illustrator, to publisher and distributor. They then became illustrators and linked their images to their current class text 'The Great Kapok Tree'. As you can see they really are budding illustrators.
10.01.25 Years 3 and 4 shared the beautiful picture book 'Augustus and his smile' in reading assembly this afternoon. A heart felt story with a poignant message about being grateful for what we have around us and that happiness can be found in a range of places and experiences.
Spring 1 - Year 4 had a great time watching a rendition of Sleeping Beauty.
Autumn 2 = What a lovely way to end the term, hot chocolate and marshmallows for the fantastic children who celebrated another 20 reads. We are so proud of you.
Autumn 1: Year 4 Ukulele Concert

Year 4 were invited to take part in the St. Mary's, Alverstoke, Christmas Tree Festival. As a year group, we created some beautiful decorations: mosaic baubles with Christmas wishes for the world attached to them. We put as many of these as we could on our tree and those that couldn't squeeze on, were lucky enough to still be displayed in our school hall.
Our Leesland (C of E) Federation Christmas Tree
Autumn 2 - As part of history this half term, year 4 visited the Mary Rose museum to understand what life was like for a Tudor sailor; their jobs, how rich or poor they were and the hardships they may have faced.
Autumn 1 - Year 4 took part in a local study field trip as part of their learning in Geography. They looked at the different types of shop usages in Stoke Road, and compared them with the shops in La Plagne, France.