Year 5
Welcome To Year 5
Meet our classes
Atlantic (Ms Frances) Indian (Miss Bell) Pacific (Mr Jones)
Hello and welcome to Year 5.
This year, we are looking forward to our exciting science trip to Winchester Science Centre in November, where our current topic of space will be reinforced at the Planetarium. It also gives us the opportunity to explore future science units (forces and changeable materials) with some amazing hands on practical experiences. We have some interesting history topics, including Crime and punishment through the ages and Ancient Greece; topics that have previously caused lots if interest with the children and sparkled much debate on fairness and justice in our past and present. In DT, we will be making delicious seasonal fruit pies, warm gloves to protect from the Antarctic weather and creating computer controlled fair ground rides. In geography we will be studying the region of Australia and using our map skills to identify and plot both human and natural features. Another exciting area we study is the frozen landscape of Antarctica and its links to great explorers. Extreme Earth is our final unit in geography where children learn about volcanic activity and earthquakes and their impact on human life. Children will also continue to learn French, along with continuing to develop skills in all subject areas.
In Year 5, weekly spellings are tested and new ones given out every Wednesday. Therefore, it is important for them to practice daily at home, as the expectation is for all the spellings to be correct. As the test is an oral one it is recommended that parents help to reinforce the letter sounds through reading them out to their child. Along with their weekly spellings there is the expectation that every child complete one piece of additional homework from the Chilli challenge sheet every 2 weeks. It should be produced to a high standard that they are proud to share with others. This is also handed in on a Wednesday.
Times tables are still a major focus of children's learning and the school subscribes to Times Table Rockstars which is available on most devices as a website or an app. Children are encouraged to play at least 5 minutes of times table games at least 3 times a week at home, as well as working on times tables in class, and there are always various competitions and incentives throughout the year.
In Year 5, children are encouraged to choose their own reading books to take home. We have a range of books in the class and the school library, and all children have their own log in for Reading Eggs.
Library - Mondays
PE - Tuesdays and Fridays (Thursday if PPA week)
As activities can vary from each week, their PE kits should be in school at all times.
If you have any questions, feel free to speak to your child's class teacher at the end of the school day, or send a message on the Year 5 email -