Year 3
We would like to welcome all Leesland Families to Year 3. The year ahead holds lots of learning, friendships and exciting opportunities.
Year 3 marks the beginning of KS2, which means the children will be starting to work more independently on a variety of exciting and fun themes.
In Year 3, the class teachers are:
Kingfisher - Mrs Capel
Lapwing - Mrs Williams
PE - Every Monday and Thursday
Library - Fridays
Year 3 Information
This year, we have some interesting topics about The Stone Age, Peru and The Romans. In science, we will be learning about Rocks, Light, Humans, Magnets and Plants. Children will also be introduced to learning French from this year group onwards, along with continuing to develop skills in all subject areas.
In Year 3, weekly spelling homework is set on Friday for the following week. The spelling sheets are in 2 sections and children should ideally practice their list over the week in order to retain the spelling knowledge as effectively as possible. Spellings are tested the following Friday.
At this stage, times tables become a major focus of children's learning. The school subscribes to Times Table Rockstars which is available on most devices as a website or an app. Children are encouraged to play at least 5 minutes of times table games at least 3 times a week at home, as well as working on times tables in class, and there are always various competitions and incentives throughout the year.
In Year 3, children are encouraged to choose their own reading books to take home. We have a range of books in the class and the school library, including ones that are linked to phonics learning for those who still benefit from them. We would encourage children to read with an adult daily or as often as possible at home.
If you have any questions, feel free to catch me at the end of the school day, or send a message on the class email.